This project is unmaintained.

Source code on GitHub.
Remote Control for LIFX is a handy way of controlling your LIFX lightbulbs.
It is designed to blend in with the rest of the status bar.
How do I use Remote Control for LIFX?
Remote Control for LIFX will automatically find all lightbulbs on your local network when it is launched. You can also manually rediscover lightbulbs in Preferences.

Remote Control for LIFX puts a menu item in your Mac status menu. Your lightbulbs will appear in that status menu. From there you can quickly change bulb brightness by dragging the slider, and power by clicking the power button. To change the color or view bulb details, click the bulb's name to access the HUD.
Why aren't my lightbulbs discoverable?
There are a few requirements that need to be met for Remote Control to work:
- Remote Control requires port 56700 on your Mac
- LIFX bulbs require an IPv4 address, and need to be on the same network as your Mac
- LIFX Original 1000 bulbs must be on firmware version 2 or higher
- Your router must allow UDP broadcast
There are some limitations:
- Infrared control is not supported
- MultiZone lights (e.g. LIFX Z) are not supported
How do I contact the developer?
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Version 1.5.1 - 29 Oct. 2017
- (Fix) Crash when opening Preferences on macOS 10.11
Version 1.5 - 26 Oct. 2017
- Key bindings

Version 1.4 - 21 July 2017
- Improved Menu UI

Version 1.3.1 - 18 May 2017
- HUD color wheel supports dragging
Version 1.3 - 5 Feb. 2017
- Adjust color temperature in the HUD
- Choose which groups and devices to show in the menu
- Display LIFX bulb IP address
- Acknowledge third-party libraries
Version 1.2 - 28 Jan. 2017
- Create 'Groups' of LIFX bulbs
- New Preferences window
- Refined HUD window
- HUD windows now open from the top left instead of top right
- Persist state across launches
- Disable highlighting on mouseover in menu
Version 1.1 - 11 Dec. 2016
- More reactive interface
- HUD color wheel is now a wheel
- HUD Wifi status is more intuitive
- Click the LIFX bulb's name to access its HUD
- Click the color indicator in a menu item to turn the LIFX bulb on/off
Version 1.0 - 3 Dec. 2016
- Discover LIFX bulbs automatically
- Manually discover bulbs in Preferences
- Change a bulb's brightness from its menu item
- Change a bulb's color from its HUD
© 2016-2018 David Wu. Mac App Store is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. LIFX is a registered trademark of LiFi Labs, Inc.